Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby Annie's Blessing Day

Annie is 2 1/2 months old now.  Times flies!  She really doesn't look like a newborn anymore, which is both a little bit sad, and way exciting!  My baby is growing so fast!  (It's a good thing, though, because her blessing dress is a size 3-6 mos, so I needed her to have a bit of chub in order to fit into her dress on her big day!)

For the big day, we had lots of family from both sides attending church with us.  Why didn't I take a picture of all them, you ask?  I have no idea.  That would have been smart.  And memorable.  Maybe I'll think of that next time.

Sydney is the best big sister ever.  Aren't my girls beautiful??
Grandpa Jon holding an infant.  You will only ever see that happen when he is required to hold one for photo ops.  He even pretends to enjoy it.  He's a good sport.

Annie loves people and smiles and talks whenever she sees a face close enough to respond to.  She also performs for overhead light fixtures on occasion

Aunt Natalie with Annie.  Both are so pretty!

We LOVE you so much, Annie!  I'm so happy to have you in our family!  Already, I can't imagine us without you!


Emma Jo said...

Your entire family is beautiful! I love baby blessings. What a fun time!

Marsha said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and makes me want a girl of my own!

Heidi said...

Oh, we sooooo wish we lived closer so I could just hop down there!! So sad we weren't there for her blessing! She is just beautiful and what a darling dress! Hope you're hanging in there!

Philip and Jaime Connor said...

She is so precious! Good work getting another girl. Phil and I are currently attempting the same thing and Jocelyn is really hoping for success. She is tired of being the only girl. Such a beautiful family!

Unknown said...

Your little family is so precious! I love looking at your blogl You are amazing parents! Aunt Bets

Rynell said...

I don't know how I missed this post -- but I'm glad I finally clicked over here. What a lovely family and such a pretty baby!

Liz said...

Congratulations Valerie, she's beautiful!